Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission for poster presentation and oral communications was only possible via the online submission platform. The submission of a one-page abstract was required before 30 November 2023 (last extension). Please use the template to prepare your abstract and submit it via the online submission platform.
If you intend to publish your contribution as a full archival paper in one of the offered Special Issue (Chemical Engineering Science, Powder Technology) please use the LONG ABSTRACT TEMPLATE and provide us with a more detailed description of your contribution (up to 6 pages).
If you do not intend to publish your contribution as a full archival paper please use the SHORT ABSTRACT TEMPLATE (max. 200 words, no tables, graphs, illustrations, equations, or references).
Please prepare your Abstract Template and submit it via the online submission platform:
Rules and Guidelines
Please adhere to the following submission guidelines:
- Your abstract should be written in English.
- Every abstract has to be assigned to at least 1 topic of the conference.
- Abstracts can be submitted for poster presentation or for oral presentation. The final decision whether an abstract is accepted as a poster or as an oral presentation, or even rejected, lies with the GLS-16 Scientific Committee.
- Short abstracts published in the Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-16) should describe the objectives, methodology and main conclusions of the presented work in less than 200 words. It must not contain tables, graphs, illustrations, equations, or references.
- Long abstracts published in the Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Gas-liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-16) have a maximum total of six pages.
- Please provide a PDF file bases on the short or long template given by the organizers (see above).
- The PDF must be submitted via the submission platform with abstract title, abstract topic and authors. Submission platform opens shortly.
- All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality, and technical soundness.
- The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reorient oral-presentation papers to poster presentation and vice versa, to obtain the most suitable presentation format.
- Please ensure complete listing and correct order of all (co-)authors, correct formatting and grammar.
- All submitted abstracts can be edited until the submission deadline. To view or edit your abstract please use this link to log into your abstract submission account.
- Only regular submitted abstracts from registered delegates who paid the registration fees in full will be published in the abstract book.