Experimental seminar for students and PhD students at HZDR

On the first day of the conference (Sept 02, 2024) we offer an experimental seminar for students and PhD students at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).

Registration is required and can be done during the online registration for the conference (starting in February).

The number of participants is limited.

Daily Schedule (preliminary agenda)

Start Registration for Exp.Seminar Participants 07:30
Start by bus at conference hotel 08:05
Visit of facilities 09:30
Experimental seminar: 1st part 10:30
Lunch 12:00
Experimental seminar: 2nd part 13:00
Visit of facilities 14:30
Departure from HZDR 16:30
Arrival at the conference hotel 17:15


  • DRESDYN Earth Dynamo Experiment

The participants are divided into two groups.


  • Participants can choose 2 topics out of 8
  • Group size limited to 10
  • First come, first serve
1Wire-mesh sensors: Measuring gas phase parameters in a flow loop
2Gamma ray tomography: Studying two-phase flow in packing and columns
3X-ray tomography: Study of particle flows with high temporal resolution
4Wastewater treatment: From optimal aeration to Lagrangian sensor particles
5Camera-optical measurement techniques for bubbly flows
6Analysis of liquid metal flows
7Complex three-phase flows in froth flotation
8Surfactants and surface tension measurement


Travel offers now available

Accommodation offers available

Important dates

31st July 2024
Special Issue full
manuscript due date (extended)

30th June 2024
Early Registration Deadline

30th June 2024
Registration Deadline for
Presenting Authors

2nd – 5th September 2024